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nano-computers.ru/plugins/content/apismtp/apismtp.php is a PHP file that is used to send emails using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

What APISmtp.php Does

The APISmtp.php file provides a simple API for developers to send emails using SMTP. It allows you to send emails with attachments, set the encoding of the email body, and set the priority of the email.

How to Use APISmtp.php

Step 1: Download APISmtp.php

The first step in using APISmtp.php is to download the file. You can find it on the nano-computers.ru website.

Step 2: Include APISmtp.php in Your Code

After downloading the APISmtp.php file, include it in your code with a require statement:

require_once 'path/to/apismtp.php';

Step 3: Set Up the Email Parameters

Next, set up the parameters for your email, such as the recipient's email address, the subject of the email, and the body of the email.

$to = 'recipient@example.com';
$subject = 'Subject of Email';
$message = 'Body of Email';

Step 4: Initialize the APISmtp Object

After setting up the email parameters, initialize the APISmtp object:

$smtp = new APISmtp();

Step 5: Configure the SMTP Server Settings

Next, configure the SMTP server settings. This includes the SMTP host, the SMTP port, and the SMTP authentication credentials.

$smtp->setAuth('username@example.com', 'password');

Step 6: Send the Email

Finally, send the email using the sendEmail method of the APISmtp object:

$smtp->sendEmail($to, $subject, $message);


The APISmtp.php file is a helpful tool for developers who need to send emails using SMTP. By using the file, you can send emails with attachments, set the encoding of the email body, and set the priority of the email with ease.