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Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Ubisoft. It was released in 2012 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. The game is set on a tropical island in the South Pacific, and the story follows Jason Brody, a young man who finds himself stranded on the island after a skydiving trip goes wrong.


The gameplay in Far Cry 3 is open-world, which means that players can explore the island at their own pace. The game features a variety of weapons, from pistols and rifles to flamethrowers and rocket launchers. Players can also use stealth to take out enemies silently, or they can go in guns blazing.

One of the unique features of the game is the ability to hunt wild animals for their skins, which can be used to craft better equipment and upgrades. Players can face off against tigers, leopards, and even Komodo dragons.


The story in Far Cry 3 is both thrilling and confronting. Jason Brody must rescue his friends from the island's dangerous inhabitants, but as he does so, he is forced to confront the fact that he himself is becoming more and more like the violent pirates he is fighting against.

The game's villains are particularly memorable, including Vaas Montenegro, a psychotic pirate leader who has become a fan-favorite character in the gaming community.


Far Cry 3 was met with critical acclaim upon its release. The game's open-world gameplay, engaging story, and stunning visuals were praised by critics and players alike. The game went on to win several awards, including Best Shooter at the 2013 Spike Video Game Awards.


Far Cry 3 is a must-play for anyone who enjoys first-person shooters or open-world games. Its rich story, engaging gameplay, and memorable characters make it a standout title in the gaming industry.